What a whirlwind of a term!

I have had a wonderful time touring all the Island’s primary schools. It feels like just yesterday I was dodging dodgeballs in the playgrounds, and getting lost in a maze of brilliant students adorned in their finest World Book Day costumes.  Every school had its own unique vibe, but one thing stayed the same: the incredible Year 6 students! 

Let me tell you, our Year 6s are something special. During our Q&A sessions, they peppered me with questions about our new school, their faces lighting up with excitement. One even asked if we’d have a farm (I’m working on that one!). Their sharp answers and confidence blew me away—they’re all set to conquer secondary! And we can’t wait to welcome them to EKC Sheppey Secondary! 

Speaking of excitement, parents, too, were buzzing with positive feedback and ideas for our new school, sharing their hopes and dreams for this exciting new chapter. We’ve got some fantastic plans brewing and are keen to work with parents because, let’s face it, who better to help shape this place than the amazing parents who raised these incredible students? 

Now, buckle up! Because guess what? The new school site is undergoing a total transformation! Forget dusty classrooms – picture top-of-the-line equipment and a cutting-edge environment that’ll make learning an adventure. We can’t wait to unveil the plans next term, so get ready for a sneak peek that’ll leave you speechless! 

But before we get too ahead of ourselves, don’t forget to enjoy the Easter break!  

If you are a dancing queen or king, hold onto your hats because there’s a super fun event happening right in our own backyard. 

On April 14th at 2:30pm dust off your dancing shoes and head over to the Sheerness site for the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Show! This awesome event, organised by the Rotary Club of Minster on Sea, is all about raising awareness for the importance of reading and literacy, and guess what? It’s going to be a blast from the past with tonnes of classic tunes to boogie to! 

See you all in the new term, when the grand opening countdown truly begins! It’s going to be epic!